Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm here

I haven't posted in awhile due to some personal issues I've been going through. One of the issues dealt with girls' camp(I won't post the details), but due to an incident with my dd I'm now obliged to discipline my dd by not letting her go to Youth Conference. This will be her first one and they're going to Nauvoo. It's tearing my heart out because this would be a great one for her, but dh and I talked while we were out to dinner that night(anni. date) and he felt she needed to stay home due to the issue. I didn't agree, but have decided that I still need to support him in this decision.

I do have to admit that he's also not happy about it, but we as parents have to make tough choices and boy does this qualify. I'm really hoping that in a few yrs the Stake will do this trip again so that she'll have a chance again to go. But until then we just go on and have fun and do other things. So that's what's been happening here.


Debbie said...

I am so sorry but do understand - teenagers are so hard, aren't they. And it is hard being a parent of a teenager. Praying for you.

Karies place said...

Thanks Debbie. Thankfully the week got better and we're all doing fine now.