Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ahhh it's snow!!!

Ok, so it's not that bad lol. We all knew it was coming but were loving the nicer weather. We managed to get most of our yard work done and got the Christmas lights up. Dh is now putting up shelves in the garage so that the car will fit in there. Yes, you could say we've been going and going. One thing though, at least I don't fall asleep when I'm busy.

The two older kids had their consultation with the orthodontist and all went well. Both kids will be getting braces in the next few weeks. Both are excited. I think it's because they get to wear colored wire. Hope the process of getting them on won't make them change their minds, because then it will be too late. However, they do need them though.

Now with Christmas coming, I'm finding myself really missing my mom. Realizing that I don't get to send her a card with $. I know she's in a better place, but I sure miss her voice and just her smile.

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