Sunday, May 31, 2009

The weekend

was good but so glad for Monday again. Sat the scouts their fundraiser. Not sure how much they made, but apparently not a lot. Oh well, it was good experience for a lot of them to deal with the public.

While the guys were helping out at the fundraiser, the girls and I had our own time together. We went clothes shopping. Oldest dd was in need of some new skirts for church along with new shirts. So we got her 3 cute skirts, 4 shirts, youngest dd a skirt and 2 shirts. Over all we did well. After 90 min we came home. Dd S was very tired and needed a break. Didnt' get everything we wanted, but got the most important stuff.

Around 5pm we picked up the guys and came home. The rest of the evening was spent getting laundry taken care of, snacking and then ds played with the girls for an hr. We had gone out to lunch earlier, and dd S wasn't eating really well(at least compared to the two teens we have lol) so ds R promised that if she would eat a certain amount of chicken, he would play with her after the fundraiser. So he did and the girls had fun. Slept all night long.

Sunday was church, and then home. Not a whole lot. Came home, ate and rested. Kind of what Sunday is all about. :) Got the dishes caught up and then sat on the porch in the back to catch the warm sun. Felt nice.

Dinner was roast without the potatoes this time. Fixed another side dish. Relaxed the rest of the evening then put the kids to bed.

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