Sunday, January 25, 2009

A good, but busy day

Sunday morning and we're off and running. Well, not literally, but it feels like it. Our schedule is something like this.

5:30am mom gets up and showers. Done in the bathroom by 6am
6am dh showers and I get ds up to be ready for his shower.
6:30 dh done, ds hops in. I wake ddN up to be ready for her shower.
7am dd hops in and showers. In amonst all this time I'm grabbing breakfast.
7:30 have ds go get dd S who's still sleeping. Head off to church for dh meeting at 8am.
Arrive and wake up dd. Dh heads to meeting, ds sits and cuddles with dd S while I make the copies of the ward program.
Come back, help dd S get dressed, then fold programs.

Church starts at 9. After church ends(12) dh has another meeting and ds has a meeting. Now mind you, some Sunday are a bit different, but the main part is always the same.

Today after church and meetings were over with we headed home for lunch. Then, once everyone was full we all did our various things. The girls played for awhile, dh and ds headed to the computers. So this gave me the chance to snooze for a bit. So nice after staying up late and getting up early. We then had our hometeacher come along with his son. Too cute. They left after a 30 min visit and lesson. Then tonight, dd N had a meeting with us at the church. It was New Beginnings and so ds R and dd S stayed home. Had a nice meeting and then refreshments. After meeting we headed home and I had a late dinner.

Put kids to bed and now I sit in a quiet house on one computer while dh is on another. What a way to end a rather busy day. :)


alpinekleins said...

Sounds like a day or REST to me ;)

So fun dropping by, I'll come back soon!


Karies place said...

Thanks kk, I greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karie!
Your day was definitely busy...It seems that way more days than not, huh? At least it does around here. LOL - I practically jump up and down when I have a day with nothing going on! LOL!!!
Anyway, Just wanted to touch base.
Blessings and hugs,

Karies place said...

Thanks Vania! Hope things are going well with you also.