Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday thunderstorms

Monday morning started out nice and sunny. Then by mid morning a 15 min severe thunderstorm came through. But I'm skipping ahead lol. It was a normal morning aside from the fact that ds R was still asleep. Although, lately that has become normal for him to sleep in. Anyway, I got up to log in here and type the weekends events. Did so and then got dd N up so the 2 of us could take dh to work. Ds R would stay home and watch dd S since she was still asleep. Once we returned from taking dh to work, we looked up in the sky and noticed it was a bit dark. We checked the radar online and found a storm was here. Luckily it wasn't too big, but it was considered severe in that any extra rain we get can flood instantly in some areas, and it came with pounding thunder and lightening. Shook things hard enough that the power flickered and my computer clicked out of power several times. Thankfully it was only for a second or two each time. But still frustrating since I was trying to do stuff lol.

After a bit it subsided, so I encouraged the girls(who don't like these storms) to come into the school room and let's get started. Thankfully at that point it was almost gone. The rest of the morning was normal stuff. Devotional done, getting the books ready for the library and heading out. Once we got to the library we found it crowded again. This summer, I think due to very high gas prices (over $4.00 a gal) and other things, most people are sticking close to home and checking out free or cheap places to go. The library being one of those. Now I think it's great to see all those children being encouraged to read and such, but it sure makes for a busy time AND sometimes books and DVD's we want being gone. So I've taken to putting lots of things on hold.

After the library was done we headed to get lunch. Then home. By this time the sun was coming out and boy was it muggy. We spent a good part of the mid afternoon inside. After a bit, dd S was getting antsy, so I took her outside to play. Then around 4:30 we headed out to pick up dh. I had asked dh about stopping to check for my patio furnture. Unfortunately, (due to a long story) they still can't sell the display model till the factory says ok. So my furniture is still at the store. Maybe I'll end up using this yr. :p

We then headed home to get dinner. The rest of the evening was getting ready for another storm that was taking it's sweet time getting here. It finally got here around bedtime, of course, so that meant we delayed bedtime for another hr for youngest dd. Ds R went to bed around 11. Dd N ended up in our bed until 1 when I woke and found her asleep. Storm was gone, so I took her to bed. Went back to bed myself. Woke this morning to gray skies. Haven't checked the weather radar, but I suspect more rain. I just checked the radar and it does say 20% chance of rain. I'm really starting to feel the way about rain like I felt about snow during the winter...enough!!


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