Thursday, June 26, 2008

He's leaving again

Ds R is leaving again, today, but this time it's Youth Conference. I know these events are good for him to attend, but I sure to do miss him. Well let me start with yesterday so we don't forget it. lol

Yesterday was a regular Wed, or at least it started out that way. Had a hard time getting R up so we could take dh to work. R is now a volunteer at the library on Wed, so he needs to be up, have breakfast so that once we get back from taking dh to work, he comes home, showers and we take him. However, yesterday as the kids and I were in the car waiting, dh comes and says he's been paged and he needs to take this call at home. So we all get out and back into the house. No biggie.

We sit and wait for a few min, then it dawns on me that R should shower since he usually JUST has time with our regular schedule. So off he goes to shower. It was a good thing, too, since we ended up leaving 30 min later. Dh finally says we can go, so R is ready for the library so we head off to drop off Dh. Then on our way home, we drop R off to the library. Once home, the girls go and play while I shower. We then have a nice relaxing morning.

While waiting to get R, I'm pittering around the house. I know I have some chores I should do, but the grey clouds outside make me not feel up to anything. Blah I guess is the feeling. Finally it's time to get R, so the girls and I pile in the car and off we go. The girls wanted to take in their papers to R for him to give them the next round since that's what R is doing anyway. Then home we go and for me to have lunch before we go to the park. Once we're done, and R has his instructions(of which he doesn't bother to do while we're gone) while we're at the park.

So we enjoy a nice afternon with our friends and then before we know it, it's time to go. I call R to let him know we're coming. We get home and find that he pretty much has been glued to the computer and none of his packing is done. So I get his butt moving and we pack. It really doesn't take that long, it's just doing it. At least on this trip he doesn't have the tent and such that is huge to carry.

We then go and get dh from work. Head home to fix dinner. Dh has an Elder's Quorum meeting that night, so he leaves after having a snack. He tells me it'll be somewhat of a late evening. And it was...9pm. While he's gone, we play and relax. I tell R not to shower, but to wait till dh gets back and cuts his hair. Once dh comes home, hair cut is given and bedtime for S. I finally get S to sleep when the phone rings. It's one of the members of the bishopric calling at 10pm. Hmm not sure why so late other than to pass on a message(a bit late as well)that there is no a.c. where they are so they might want to bring a fan. So finally all kids are in bed....ahhhh bedtime for mom and dad. :)


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