Monday, September 12, 2011

This past weekend....

was very nice. We had our annual block party that turned out good. Many people showed up and chatted and ate. I ate way too much as usual. Hard not to do when there is soooo much good food. The weather also cooperated. High 70's. The girls rode their bikes all afternoon. Had hamburgers and other stuff. They also received a small goodie bag of candy. Of course this year we ended rather early due to I guess a ball game that they all wanted to attend Sunday afternoon so they went in around 10:30. Normally it's 11:30 or later before they go in. Oh well still nice time.

Sunday was a special day. It was announced that Robert would be receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood. Very nice! That ordination would be after church. Then in Young Women's my oldest dd Natasha was given the calling of Pres in the Mia Maid class. Very cool for her.

In Primary, Sarah was able to serve a pretend mission. She was going to Switzerland. Fun time they had.

After church we all stepped into the Bishop's office and dh ordained Robert to the Melchizedek Priesthood. What an honor!

Then home for all for lunch. Nice relaxing afternoon and I got a nap. :) Evening time Natasha went to BYD(Bishop's Youth Discussion). Then home for dinner and bedtime.

Back to school routine of 5:15 up and getting ready for Seminary. Going to be a full fun week.

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