Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Our busiest day of the week

Tues once again was here waiting to happen. It was very chilly in the house. I looked at the temp gage and it was 65. BURR and that's INSIDE!! Guess it's time to turn on the heater. So I then proceed to make sure ds R was up for seminary. Eventually dh returns to shower. As he's upstairs I'm finishing up stuff online. As I look up I see my dd N has woken up. Surprise MOM!! It IS a surprise as she rarely gets up on her own much less a bit after 6. After a bit she walks in to inform me that dh asked her does she want to go with him to pick up ds R from seminary? So off she goes with that. I then decide I need to shower since I'm taking dh a bit early. Tues is our busy day and I need to get our morning started asap.

So we start our morning around 8:45 and have finished around 9:15. I give the girls 15 min to get dressed before we start our morning. Ds R takes advantage and does some "other" stuff online before doing math. We have a pretty good morning of school. All 3 kids cooperate pretty good. Before I know it, it's time to take dd S to her art class sponsored by the park and rec in our city. As we are in the process of driving there, we bump into a very slow moving train. Fortunately, it only has 4 cars so it's gone quickly. We arrive just in time. The teacher is teaching the kids about Peru and their art. She's having the kids draw a picture of their choice and using very small pipe cleaners, they weave them through this burlap type material. Dd S loves this. She's very good with her hands.

We get ready to leave and we bump into yet another train. This one is fast moving, but it's long. As I'm sitting there I'm contemplaing turning around, and just as I'm about to make this move I see the end of the train. So we wait. Arriving home I tell the girls to get their lunch going because we don't have a lot of time. Ds R has already had his so he's fine. Pretty soon it's time to head out again for the older kids' 1:45 class of art and gym. This time we'll be there for 2 hrs. No train this time lol.

While the older kids are having their class dd S and I head down the hallway to the lounge where we chat with other moms. This is kind of nice since I don't always get this chance. Each semester of art and gym lead to meeting other new moms and seeing familiar faces. A chance to chat about how school is going and life in general.

Eventually it's time to head home and drop off ds R for his shower. Since both dd N and ds R do Tues activity they both have to shower. The girls and I head off to get dh. Drive home is uneventful and we get home in time for me to fix dinner. Spaghetti! My 2 older kids LOVE this dish. They love just eating the noodles with no sauce. We then head out to the church for their activities. I also go to teach a basic sign language class. While there dh takes dd S to do food shopping. Kind of keeps her out of my hair for a bit.

Around 8:30 we realize that dd N is still in her class. They have been quilting and were just wrapping up. We head home around 8:45 and get kids ready for bed. I don't know about them but I'm tired just from the constant here there and everywhere. Love this day, but am always glad for a nice break.


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